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Coaching For a Cause

Some say it’s better to give than to receive while others say it’s better to receive than to give. But as coaches, we know that it’s best to give AND receive. And when both happen together, magical things happen.

Such is the case. We want to encourage you to give so that you can receive.
Let us clarify. Between now and December 31 you can make a donation to any charity.
Just send us a copy of the receipt to email: and we will give you a minute of coaching for every 2 dollars you donate.

That’s right. You read correctly. We are offering you complimentary coaching- as appreciation for helping others.

There are a couple of rules and details to follow.

A) It must be a new donation dated that was made between today and December 31. That means earlier donations were clearly not made in partnership with this offer and, although appreciated, will not count.

B) This offer expires at midnight on December 31. Once we hit January 2017, no more donations will be accepted. (This is to encourage you to get into action. You know, like a coach would, right?)

C) Once we receive the receipt we will send you an email to schedule your call. Although the scheduler may block off a larger time, we will be keeping track of our time and we will end at the appropriate time. You will only get coaching for the amount of time equal to the amount of dollars you have donated.
$60 = 30 minutes of coaching
$100 = 50 minutes.

D) if you have donated more than $100 you can break up your time into multiple sessions. (No sense in having a giant long session.)

E) The MINIMUM amount accepted is $30 for 15 minutes of coaching.

F) The MAXIMUM amount accepted is… $480 (Well, actually, you could donate more–that’s your option–but we can only honor a total of 4- 60-minute sessions)

G) All charity coaching must be completed in the months of January and February.

H) It doesn’t have to be only one charity. You can do multiple donations to several organizations and then add them all together. (So you could do something like a $5 donation to twelve different groups, which would then total a complementary 30-minute session.)

I) You can contribute to any organization that you want and support any cause you believe in, or you can always choose one of these below.
ICF Foundation
Save the Children
SOS Children’s Villages
World Wide Fund for Nature
Youth With A Mission

J) Do not send us the money to make the donation for you. We want you to get the tax benefit. And we want no question as to where the money has gone. This is truly our gift to you as you give to others. Think of it like “paying it forward… but in reverse… or something like that.”
Besides this is truly our gift to you as you give to others, we don’t want to get anything out of it except the honor and pleasure of working with you for a little bit. Think of it like paying it forward… but in reverse… or upside down… or something like that.

K) Ok? Then go to it so you can help people and we can then have the honor of thanking you on their behalf with some coaching.

L) If this gets an overwhelming response, we may have to limit the number of calls and complimentary sessions we can offer. So the sooner in, the better your chances.

Send email to:


  • paul
  • November 9, 2016 at 2:18 am Reply
  • So great to hear the cool offer. You guys always do incredible job to make people and the world live happier and get better. I can pass on this info to some of my network. Good luck!

  • Jane
  • November 9, 2016 at 2:06 am Reply
  • A great offer, we are looking for an external coach to work with 2 of our leaders. Will drop you a note soon.

  • Melinda
  • November 5, 2016 at 9:41 am Reply
  • This is so great! Thanks for coaching me with my leadership development, I am truly practising the skills on a daily basis which makes me know a better self.